Euastacus yarraensis
Keith A. CrandallDistribution
The species inhabits southerly flowing rivers of Victoria from the Bunyip/Tarago system in the east to the Gellibrand River of the Otway region in the west at elevations below 300 m a.s.l. Two museum specimens bear the site label of Kennedys Creek, a tributary of the Curdies River near Cobden, but Kennedys Creek is a tributary of the Gellibrand River and lies 20 km to the east of Curdies River.Habitat
Vegetation in the species range includes dry sclerophyll forest and wattle (Acacia spp.), blackberry in semi-cleared areas and tree ferns (Cyathea) in some sheltered valleys. Euastacus yarraensis is present in some cleared areas, especially if vegetation persists along streams.References
Crandall, Keith A., James W. Fetzner, Jr., Carlos G. Jara, and Ludwig Buckup. 2000. On the Phylogenetic Positioning of the South American Freshwater Crayfish Genera (Decapoda: Parastacidae). Journal of Crustacean Biology, 20(3): 530-540.
McCoy, F. 1888. Astacopsis serratus (Shaw sp.) var. yarraensis. Prodromus Zool. Vict. 2: 225-7, pl. 16.
Morgan, G. J. 1986. Freshwater crayfish of the genus Euastacus (Decapoda: Parastacidae) from Victoria. Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria 47(1): 1-57.
Riek, E. F. 1969. The Australian freshwater crayfish (Crustacea: Decapoda: Parastacidae), with descriptions of new species. Aust. J. Zool. 17: 855-918.
Title Illustrations

Euastacus yarraensis (McCoy)
(Photo compliments of Dr. Chris Austin, Deakin University)
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Keith A. Crandall
Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA
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Page: Tree of Life
Euastacus yarraensis
Authored by
. Keith A. Crandall.
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Crandall, Keith A. 2001. Euastacus yarraensis in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. Version 01 January 2001 (under construction).