Paralimulodes wasmanni
W. Eugene HallIntroduction
Paralimulodes currently consists of one species (Bruch, 1919; Wilson et al., 1954) occurring within North and South America. The type species was originally associated with the ant Neivamyrmex spegazzinii.
Paralimulodes can be distinguished from other genera of Cephaloplectinae by its 8-segmented antennae. The body form is somewhat narrower and elongated compared to other members of the subfamily.
Geographic Distribution
Paralimulodes wasmanni was originally described from Argentina. Wilson et al. (1954) note the association of P. wasmanni with the ant Neivamyrmex carolinense in Alabama (United States).
Bruch, C. 1919. Un nuevo coleoptero ecitofilo. Physis, 4: 579-582.
Wilson, E.O., T. Eisner and B.D. Valentine. 1954. The beetle genus Paralimulodes Bruch in North America, with notes on morphology and behavior (Coleoptera: Limulodidae). Psyche: 154-161.
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Paralimulodes. Paralimulodes wasmanni.
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Hall, W. Eugene. 1997. Paralimulodes. Paralimulodes wasmanni. Version 01 January 1997 (under construction). in The Tree of Life Web Project,