Andrew V. Z. Brower- Neptis agouale
- Neptis alta
- Neptis aurivillii
- Neptis biafra
- Neptis camarensis
- Neptis carpenteri
- Neptis clarei
- Neptis comorarum
- Neptis conspicua
- Neptis constantiae
- Neptis continuata
- Neptis declaryi
- Neptis dentifera
- Neptis dumetorum
- Neptis eltringhami
- Neptis exaleuca
- Neptis frobenia
- Neptis goochi
- Neptis gratiosa
- Neptis incongrua
- Neptis infusa
- Neptis jamesoni
- Neptis jordani
- Neptis katama
- Neptis kikideli
- Neptis kikuyuensis
- Neptis kiriakoffi
- Neptis laeta
- Neptis lermanni
- Neptis livingstonei
- Neptis lugubris
- Neptis mayottensis
- Neptis melicerta
- Neptis metanira
- Neptis metella
- Neptis mixophyes
- Neptis morosa
- Neptis nebrodes
- Neptis nemetes
- Neptis nicobule
- Neptis nicomedes
- Neptis nicoteles
- Neptis nina
- Neptis nysiades
- Neptis occidentalis
- Neptis ochracea
- Neptis paula
- Neptis penningtoni
- Neptis poultoni
- Neptis puella
- Neptis roberti
- Neptis rogersi
- Neptis rothschildi
- Neptis saclava
- Neptis seeldrayersi
- Neptis serena
- Neptis sextilla
- Neptis strigata
- Neptis swynnertoni
- Neptis trigonophora
- Neptis troundi
- Neptis vindo
- Neptis woodwardi
- Neptis alwina
- Neptis ananta
- Neptis anjana
- Neptis antilope
- Neptis arachne
- Neptis armandia
- Neptis beroe
- Neptis brebissonii
- Neptis cartica
- Neptis celebica
- Neptis choui
- Neptis clinia
- Neptis clinioides
- Neptis cydippe
- Neptis cymela
- Neptis dejeani
- Neptis divisa
- Neptis duryodana
- Neptis felisimilis
- Neptis gracilis
- Neptis guia
- Neptis harita
- Neptis hesione
- Neptis hylas
- Neptis ida
- Neptis ilira
- Neptis leucoporos
- Neptis magadha
- Neptis mahendra
- Neptis manasa
- Neptis meloria
- Neptis miah
- Neptis mindorana
- Neptis namba
- Neptis narayana
- Neptis nashona
- Neptis nata
- Neptis nausicaa
- Neptis nemorosa
- Neptis nemorum
- Neptis nisaea
- Neptis nitetis
- Neptis noyala
- Neptis nycteus
- Neptis omeroda
- Neptis pampanga
- Neptis philyra
- Neptis philyroides
- Neptis praslini
- Neptis pryeri
- Neptis pseudovikasi
- Neptis pseudonamba
- Neptis radha
- Neptis reducta
- Neptis rivularis
- Neptis sangangi
- Neptis sankara
- Neptis sappho
- Neptis satina
- Neptis sedata
- Neptis sinocartica
- Neptis soma
- Neptis speyeri
- Neptis sunica
- Neptis sylvana
- Neptis theodora
- Neptis thestias
- Neptis thetis
- Neptis vibusa
- Neptis vikasi
- Neptis yerburii
- Neptis zaida
- Neptis jumbah
- Neptis cormilloti
- Neptis loma
- Neptis angusta
- Neptis najo
- Neptis quintilla
- Neptis carlsbergi
- Neptis liberti
- Neptis claude
A large and widespread genus of the Old World tropics and subtropics. The first alphabetical list represents the Afrotropical species, and the second is the Indomalayan - Australasian species (several additional African species listed by Larsen (2005) are appended to the bottom). Parsons (1999) states that Eliot (1969) believed that the African and Asian Neptis are not closely related, but Eliot (in Corbet et al. 1992) says of Neptis, "distributed from Europe throughout most of Africa and Asia ...".
Ackery PR, Smith CR, and Vane-Wright RI eds. 1995. Carcasson's African butterflies. Canberra: CSIRO.
Corbet AS, Pendlebury HM, and Eliot JN. 1992. The butterflies of the Malay Peninsula. Malayan Nature Society, Kuala Lumpur.
Eliot JN. 1969. An analysis of the Eurasian and Australian Neptini (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Bull. Br. mus. Nat. Hist. (Ent.) Suppl. 15: 1-155, 101 figs., 3 plates.
Larsen, T. B. 2005 Butterflies of West Africa. Stenstrup, Denmark: Apollo Books.
Parsons M. 1999. The butterflies of Papua New Guinea: their systematics and biology. Academic Press, San Diego.
Title Illustrations

Scientific Name | Neptis sappho formosana |
Specimen Condition | Live Specimen |
Source | PICT0080_1 |
Source Collection | Flickr |
Image Use |
![]() |
Copyright | © 2006 chung-tung yeh |
Scientific Name | Neptis hylas |
Specimen Condition | Live Specimen |
Source | 琉球三線蝶 Neptis hylas |
Source Collection | Flickr |
Image Use |
![]() |
Copyright | © 2006 Changhua Coast Conservation Action 台灣水鳥研究 |
Scientific Name | Neptis nata |
Location | Taiwan |
Specimen Condition | Live Specimen |
Source | IMG_7303al1 |
Source Collection | Flickr |
Image Use |
![]() |
Copyright | © 2006 leemt2 |
About This Page
Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA
Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Andrew V. Z. Brower at
Page copyright © 2006
Page: Tree of Life
Authored by
. Neptidomima .Andrew V. Z. Brower.
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- First online 06 November 2006
- Content changed 12 March 2008
Citing this page:
Brower, Andrew V. Z. 2008. Neptis in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. Neptidomima . Version 12 March 2008 (under construction).