the Gliders
Andrew V. Z. Brower- Cymothoe oemilius
- Cymothoe egesta group
- Cymothoe beckeri
- Cymothoe fumana
- Cymothoe heliada
- Cymothoe owassae
- Cymothoe egesta
- Cymothoe hyarbita
- Cymothoe lucasii
- Cymothoe orphnina
- Cymothoe reinholdi
- Cymothoe lurida group
- Cymothoe hesiodina
- Cymothoe hesiodotus
- Cymothoe hypatha
- Cymothoe lurida
- Cymothoe capella group
- Cymothoe adela
- Cymothoe aubergeri
- Cymothoe capella
- Cymothoe althea group
- Cymothoe althea
- Cymothoe alticola
- Cymothoe caenis
- Cymothoe consanguis
- Cymothoe herminia
- Cymothoe indamora
- Cymothoe weymeri
- Cymothoe zenkeri
- Cymothoe jodutta
- Cymothoe alcimeda
- Cymothoe altisidora
- Cymothoe amaniensis
- Cymothoe amenides
- Cymothoe angulifasciata
- Cymothoe sangaris group
- Cymothoe anitorgis
- Cymothoe haimodia
- Cymothoe hartigi
- Cymothoe aramis
- Cymothoe coccinata
- Cymothoe excelsa
- Cymothoe mabillei
- Cymothoe ogova
- Cymothoe preussi
- Cymothoe euthalioides
- Cymothoe hobarthi
- Cymothoe magnus
- Cymothoe sangaris
- Cymothoe arcuata
- Cymothoe aurivillii
- Cymothoe caprina
- Cymothoe collarti
- Cymothoe collinsi
- Cymothoe colmanti
- Cymothoe coranus
- Cymothoe cottrelli
- Cymothoe crocea
- Cymothoe cyclades
- Cymothoe dujardini
- Cymothoe distincta
- Cymothoe eris
- Cymothoe fontainei
- Cymothoe harmilla
- Cymothoe haynae
- Cymothoe howarthi
- Cymothoe isiro
- Cymothoe kraepelini
- Cymothoe lambertoni
- Cymothoe magambae
- Cymothoe melanjae
- Cymothoe meridionalis
- Cymothoe ochreata
- Cymothoe radialis
- Cymothoe rebeli
- Cymothoe reginaelisabethae
- Cymothoe sassiana
- Cymothoe teita
- Cymothoe vumbui
- Cymothoe zombana
A large and widespread Afrotropical genus. Species groups for West African taxa were identified by Larsen (2005), based on diagnostic characters that may not reflect phylogenetic relationships.
Ackery PR, Smith CR, and Vane-Wright RI eds. 1995. Carcasson's African butterflies. Canberra: CSIRO.
Larsen, T. B. 2005 Butterflies of West Africa. Stenstrup, Denmark: Apollo Books.
Title Illustrations

Location | Gabon |
Specimen Condition | Live Specimen |
Source | Cymothoe beckeri |
Source Collection | Flickr |
Image Use |
![]() |
Copyright | © 2006 Axel Rouvin |
Scientific Name | Cymothoe jodutta |
Location | Nigeria: Port Harcourt |
Specimen Condition | Live Specimen |
Identified By | Dirk Motshagen |
Behavior | feeding on bananas |
Life Cycle Stage | adult |
View | ventral |
Copyright | © 2009 Dirk Motshagen |
About This Page
Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA
Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Andrew V. Z. Brower at
Page copyright © 2006
Page: Tree of Life
Authored by
. the Gliders.Andrew V. Z. Brower.
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- First online 06 November 2006
- Content changed 10 February 2010
Citing this page:
Brower, Andrew V. Z. 2010. Cymothoe in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. the Gliders. Version 10 February 2010 (under construction).