Nanosella fungi
W. Eugene HallIntroduction
Nanosella fungi represents one of the smallest known beetles, with a recorded length under 0.30 mm.
LeConte in 1863 described Ptilium fungi from specimens sent to him by Victor Motschulsky, presumed from Mobile, Alabama. In 1868, Motschulsky, without citing LeConte's previous description, described Nanosella fungi from Georgia. It is believed that P. fungi is a synonym of Nanosella fungi.
As with other members of Nanosellinae, N. fungi inhabits spore tunes of polypore fungi. The species is known to occur in eastern and southern United States.
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Nanosella fungi.
Authored by
W. Eugene Hall.
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Hall, W. Eugene. 1997. Nanosella fungi. Version 01 January 1997 (under construction). in The Tree of Life Web Project,