Cephalops (Semicephalops)
Jeff Skevington- Cephalops acklandi
- Cephalops acrothrix
- Cephalops alienus
- Cephalops amplus
- Cephalops apletomeris
- Cephalops ariadneae
- Cephalops bellulus
- Cephalops bicuspidis
- Cephalops bifidus
- Cephalops canutifrons
- Cephalops carinatus
- Cephalops cautus
- Cephalops chauliosternum
- Cephalops cornutus
- Cephalops curvarmatus
- Cephalops delomeris
- Cephalops digitatus
- Cephalops emeljanovi
- Cephalops eufraternus
- Cephalops euryhymenos
- Cephalops extimus
- Cephalops filicicola
- Cephalops fraternus
- Cephalops gnomus
- Cephalops grandimembranus
- Cephalops haleakalaae
- Cephalops hardyi
- Cephalops hawaiiensis
- Cephalops holomelas
- Cephalops injectivus
- Cephalops inpaganus
- Cephalops juvator
- Cephalops juvencus
- Cephalops laterisutilis
- Cephalops libidinosus
- Cephalops longiductulis
- Cephalops longisetosus
- Cephalops lucidus
- Cephalops macrothrix
- Cephalops magnimembrus
- Cephalops mainensis
- Cephalops megameris
- Cephalops molokaiensis
- Cephalops navus
- Cephalops nigrotarsatus
- Cephalops oahuensis
- Cephalops obscuratus
- Cephalops obstipus
- Cephalops orestes
- Cephalops paganus
- Cephalops palawanensis
- Cephalops pallipes
- Cephalops papuaensis
- Cephalops parmatus
- Cephalops pauculus
- Cephalops penepauculus
- Cephalops penultimus
- Cephalops perkinsiellae
- Cephalops perspicuus
- Cephalops phaethus
- Cephalops proditus
- Cephalops rotundipennis
- Cephalops ruandensis
- Cephalops saegeri
- Cephalops sectus
- Cephalops semifumosus
- Cephalops shikotanicus
- Cephalops signatus
- Cephalops straminipes
- Cephalops subultimus
- Cephalops swezeyi
- Cephalops terraereginensis
- Cephalops terryi
- Cephalops timberlakei
- Cephalops titanus
- Cephalops trichostylis
- Cephalops ugandensis
- Cephalops ultimus
- Cephalops uluhe
- Cephalops varius
- Cephalops visendus
- Cephalops xanthocnemis
Eighty-two valid species of Cephalops (Semicephalops) are known from all biogeographical regions.
These flies are characterized by the presence of an anal vein, absence of strong median and apical tibial spines, short, broad abdomens and an enlarged membranous areas in males (reaching epandrium).
About This Page
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Jeff Skevington at
Page copyright © 2005
Page: Tree of Life
Cephalops (Semicephalops).
Authored by
Jeff Skevington.
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- First online 02 November 2005
Citing this page:
Skevington, Jeff. 2005. Cephalops (Semicephalops). Version 02 November 2005 (under construction). http://tolweb.org/Cephalops_%28Semicephalops%29/54939/2005.11.02 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/