Andrew V. Z. Brower- Pentila abraxas
- Pentila alba
- Pentila amenaida
- Pentila amenaidoides
- Pentila auga
- Pentila bitje
- Pentila camerunica
- Pentila carcassoni
- Pentila christina
- Pentila cloetensi
- Pentila condamini
- Pentila fallax
- Pentila fidonioides
- Pentila glagoessa
- Pentila hewitsoni
- Pentila inconspicua
- Pentila landbecki
- Pentila mesia
- Pentila nero
- Pentila nigeriana
- Pentila occidentalium
- Pentila pauli
- Pentila petreia
- Pentila petreoides
- Pentila phidia
- Pentila picena
- Pentila preussi
- Pentila pseudorotha
- Pentila rogersi
- Pentila rondo
- Pentila rotha
- Pentila subfuscata
- Pentila swynnertoni
- Pentila tachyroides
- Pentila torrida
- Pentila tropicalis the Spotted Buff
- Pentila umangiana
- Pentila umbra
- Pentila bennetti
- Pentila maculata
Note: this taxon list is still under construction. It does not yet contain all known Pentila subgroups.
Ackery PR, Smith CR, and Vane-Wright RI eds. 1995. Carcasson's African butterflies. Canberra: CSIRO.
Larsen, T. B. 2005 Butterflies of West Africa. Stenstrup, Denmark: Apollo Books.
About This Page
Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA
Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Andrew V. Z. Brower at
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Page: Tree of Life
Authored by
. Andrew V. Z. Brower.
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- First online 19 May 2007
- Content changed 05 November 2007
Citing this page:
Brower, Andrew V. Z. 2007. Pentila in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. Version 05 November 2007 (under construction).