Iolaus s. s.
Andrew V. Z. Brower- subgenus Iolaus
- Iolaus bilineata
- Iolaus bolissus
- Iolaus carina
- Iolaus eurisus
- Iolaus vexillarius
- Iolaus (Tanuetheira) timon (the Long-Tailed Mistletoe Hairstreak)
- subgenus Iolaphilus
- Iolaus trimeni group
- Iolaus alexanderi
- Iolaus carolinae
- Iolaus menas
- Iolaus schultzei
- Iolaus trimeni
- Iolaus gabunica
- Iolaus henryi
- Iolaus icipe
- Iolaus iulus
- Iolaus jamesoni
- Iolaus shaba
- Iolaus trimeni group
- subgenus Argiolaus
- Iolaus aequatorialis
- Iolaus bergeri
- Iolaus caesareus
- Iolaus cottrelli
- Iolaus crawshayi
- Iolaus dianae
- Iolaus iturensis
- Iolaus kayonza
- Iolaus lalos
- Iolaus laonides
- Iolaus poecilaon
- Iolaus manasei
- Iolaus maritimus
- Iolaus montana
- Iolaus ndolae
- Iolaus pamae
- Iolaus silarus
- Iolaus silas
- Iolaus stewarti
- subgenus Philiolaus
- Iolaus alcibiades
- Iolaus calisto
- Iolaus christofferi
- Iolaus ismenias
- Iolaus lukabas
- Iolaus theodori
- Iolaus mane
- Iolaus newporti
- Iolaus parasilanus
- Iolaus paneperata
- Iolaus vansomereni
- Iolaus likpe
- subgenus Epamera
- Iolaus aemulus
- Iolaus aethes
- Iolaus aethria
- Iolaus farquharsoni
- Iolaus frater
- Iolaus agnes
- Iolaus alienus
- Iolaus apatosa
- Iolaus aphnaeoides
- Iolaus arborifera
- Iolaus aurivillii
- Iolaus australis
- Iolaus bakeri
- Iolaus bamptoni
- Iolaus banco
- Iolaus coelestis
- Iolaus laon
- Iolaus moyambina
- Iolaus bansana
- Iolaus bellina group
- Iolaus bellina
- Iolaus gemmarius
- Iolaus sappirus
- Iolaus sciophilus
- Iolaus congdoni
- Iolaus creta
- Iolaus cytaeis
- Iolaus djaloni
- Iolaus leonis
- Iolaus pollux
- Iolaus diametra
- Iolaus dubiosa
- Iolaus flavilinea
- Iolaus fontainei
- Iolaus glaucus
- Iolaus handmani
- Iolaus helenae
- Iolaus hemicyanus
- Iolaus iasis
- Iolaus jacksoni
- Iolaus kelle
- Iolaus longicauda
- Iolaus neavei
- Iolaus normani
- Iolaus maesa
- Iolaus mafugae
- Iolaus mermis
- Iolaus mimosae
- Iolaus mongiro
- Iolaus nasisii
- Iolaus nolaensis
- Iolaus nursei
- Iolaus obscura
- Iolaus penningtoni
- Iolaus pseudofrater
- Iolaus pseudopollux
- Iolaus scintillans
- Iolaus sibella
- Iolaus sidus
- Iolaus silanus
- Iolaus stenogrammica
- Iolaus sudanicus
- Iolaus tajoraca
- Iolaus umbrosa
- Iolaus violacea
- subgenus Trichiolaus
- Iolaus argentarius
- Iolaus mermeros
- Iolaus (Aphniolaus) pallene (the Saffron)
- subgenus Pseudiolaus
- Iolaus lulua
- Iolaus poultoni
A diverse Afrotropical hairstreak genus. Distribution of species into subgenera follows Larsen (2005). The subgenus Trichiolaus is endemic to Madagascar.
Ackery, P. R., Smith, C. R. & Vane-Wright, R. I. (ed.) 1995 Carcasson's African butterflies. Canberra: CSIRO.
Larsen, T. B. 1991 The butterflies of Kenya and their natural history. Oxford, U. K.: Oxford University Press.
Larsen, T. B. 2005 Butterflies of West Africa. Stenstrup, Denmark: Apollo Books.
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Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA
Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Andrew V. Z. Brower at
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Page: Tree of Life
Iolaus s. s.
Authored by
. Andrew V. Z. Brower.
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- First online 11 April 2008
- Content changed 11 April 2008
Citing this page:
Brower, Andrew V. Z. 2008. Iolaus s. s. in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. Version 11 April 2008 (under construction).