- Homoioptera
- Adolarryia
- Boltopruvostia
- Larryia
- Mazonopterum
- Mazothairos
- Parathesoneura
- Scepasma
- Thesoneura
- Turneropterum
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Carpenter, F. M. 1992. Superclass Hexapoda. Volume 3 of Part R, Arthropoda 4 of Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology. Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society of America.
Handlirsch, A. 1904. Les Insectes houillers de la Belgique. Memoires du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique 3:3-20.
Kukalová-Peck, J. and E. S. Richardson, jr. 1983. New Homoiopteridae (Insecta: Palaeodictyoptera) with wing articulation from Upper Carboniferous strata of Mazon Creek, Illinois. Canadian Journal of Zoology 61(7):1670-1687.
Title Illustrations

Scientific Name | Homoioptera (Anthracentomon) latipenne |
Reference | From Handlirsch, A. 1904. Les Insectes houillers de la Belgique. Memoires du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique 3:3-20. |
Specimen Condition | Fossil |
Body Part | fossilized wing |
Scientific Name | Homoioptera (Anthracentomon) latipenne |
Comments | Drawing of the specimen with conserved veins shown as solid lines, reconstructed veins shown as stippled lines. |
Reference | From Handlirsch, A. 1904. Les Insectes houillers de la Belgique. Memoires du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique 3:3-20. |
Specimen Condition | Fossil |
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