Grimpoteuthis boylei
Martin Collins, Michael Vecchione, and Richard E. YoungIntroduction
Grimpoteuthis boylei is a large abyssal species described from the N. E. Atlantic from ten individuals.
- Arms and web
Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new windowFigure. Oral view of arms and web of G. boylei, paratype, female, 115 mm ML. Drawing from Collins (2003).
- Arms long, subequal in length.
- Web extends 2/3 of arm length; extends further on dorsal arms.
- Web formula: A>B>C>D>E.
- Single web nodule prominent on ventral side of each arm; located at sucker 31 (arm I), 28 (arm II), 25 (arm III) or 24 (arm IV).
- Sucker count 55-58.
- Maximum sucker diameter between suckers 25 and 35.
- Cirri long (mean CLI 12.2).
- First cirri between suckers 4 and 7.
- Shell
- U-shaped with distinct depression on outer surface of saddle.
- Inner surface of saddle convex.
- Lateral wing with blunt termination.
The above description is from Collins, 2003. More details of the description of G. boylei can be found here. The holotype is a 90 mm ML male.
Among other Atlantic species, Grimpoteuthis boylei differs in having a depression on the outer surface of the shell saddle. In addition it differs from:
- G. challengeri in the presence of posterior salivary glands, shape of the gills (broad rather than slender lamellae), egg size (18-20 mm vs 13 mm) and the number, form and arrangement of the suckers (Collins, 2003).
- G. discoveryi in the shape of the shell wing (wing ends in one vs two lobes), in the presence of a radula, in the presence of posterior salivary glands, in generally 8 vs 7 gill lamellae and the large size at maturity (265 vs 152 mm total length in females)(Collins, 2003).
- G. megaptera in geographic distribution (Eastern vs Western North Atlantic) and, perhaps, the larger sucker size (Collins, 2003).
- G. plena in geographic distribution (Eastern vs Western North Atlantic) and the longer cirri (ca. 2 vs 1.5x). What little is known about G. plena suggests that it is very close to G. boylei.(Collins, 2003).
- G. umbellata in the greater number of suckers (55-58 vs 65-68) and the greater depth range (>4000m vs <2500 m)(Collins, 2003).
- G. wuelkeri in longer cirri in females (2.2x vs 1.2x), fewer suckers (55-58 vs 60-70), generally 8 vs 6-7 gill lamellae, Shell without a ridge on the outer surface of the shell saddle, larger eggs (18-20 vs 14mm) and the greater depth range (>4000 vs <2100 m)(Collins, 2003).
The type locality is the Porcupine Abyssal Plain at 48°47'N, 16°30'W; depth - 4845-4847 m. In addition to the type locality this species is known from the Porcupine Seabight and the Madeira Abyssal Plain but probably occurs from 20°N to 50°N in the NE Atlantic (Collins, 2002).
Collins, M. A. 2003. The genus Grimpoteuthis (Octopoda: Grimpoteuthidae) in the North-east Atlantic, with descriptions of three new species. Zool. Journ. Linnean Soc., 139: 93-127.
Title Illustrations

Scientific Name | Grimpoteuthis boylei |
Location | 50°N, 14°W |
Reference | Collins, M. A. 2003. The genus Grimpoteuthis (Octopoda: Grimpoteuthidae) in the North-east Atlantic, with descriptions of three new species. Zool. Journ. Linnean Soc., 139: 93-127. |
Sex | Female |
View | Dorsal, ventral |
Size | 440 mm TL |
Type | Paratype |
Copyright |
© Martin Collins
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About This Page
Martin Collins
Aberdeen University, Aberdeen, UK
National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D. C. , USA
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA
Page copyright © 2016 Martin Collins, , and
All Rights Reserved.
- First online 13 May 2003
Citing this page:
Collins, Martin, Michael Vecchione, and Richard E. Young. 2003. Grimpoteuthis boylei in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. Version 13 May 2003 (under construction).