Andrew V. Z. Brower- Euphaedra subgenus Proteuphaedra
- Euphaedra aubergeri
- Euphaedra imperialis
- Euphaedra luperca
- Euphaedra luteofasciata
- Euphaedra fucora (incertae sedis)
- Euphaedra (Medoniana) medon
- Euphaedra subgenus Gausapia
- Euphaedra athena
- Euphaedra calliope
- Euphaedra extensa
- Euphaedra gausape
- Euphaedra hastiri
- Euphaedra judith
- Euphaedra mariaechristinae
- Euphaedra melpomene
- Euphaedra ombrophila
- Euphaedra plantroui
- Euphaedra vulnerata
- Euphaedra zaddachii
- Euphaedra subgenus Xypetana
- Euphaedra acuta
- Euphaedra ansorgei (incertae sedis)
- Euphaedra crockeri
- Euphaedra crossei
- Euphaedra diffusa
- Euphaedra hebes
- Euphaedra hewitsoni
- Euphaedra hollandi
- Euphaedra pervaga
- Euphaedra xypete
- Euphaedra subgenus Radia
- Euphaedra eusemoides
- Euphaedra imitans
- Euphaedra subgenus Euphaedra
- Euphaedra cyparissa
- Euphaedra sarcoptera
- Euphaedra subgenus Euphaedrana
- Euphaedra themis group
- Euphaedra themis subgroup
- Euphaedra laboureana
- Euphaedra permixtum
- Euphaedra themis
- Euphaedra aureola subgroup
- Euphaedra aureola
- Euphaedra exerrata
- Euphaedra laguerrei
- Euphaedra minuta
- Euphaedra modesta
- Euphaedra janetta subgroup
- Euphaedra adonina
- Euphaedra splendens
- Euphaedra dubreka
- Euphaedra janetta
- Euphaedra occulta (incertae sedis)
- Euphaedra aberrans
- Euphaedra vetusta
- Euphaedra justicia
- Euphaedra piriformis
- Euphaedra controversa
- Euphaedra themis subgroup
- Euphaedra ceres group
- Euphaedra ceres subgroup
- Euphaedra afzelii
- Euphaedra ceres
- Euphaedra inanum subgroup
- Euphaedra delera
- Euphaedra inanum
- Euphaedra phaethusa
- Euphaedra dargeana (incertae sedis)
- Euphaedra demeter (incertae sedis)
- Euphaedra knoopiana (incertae sedis)
- Euphaedra luteolucens (incertae sedis)
- Euphaedra villiersi
- Euphaedra viridicaerulea
- Euphaedra ravola subgroup
- Euphaedra cottoni (incertae sedis)
- Euphaedra margaritifera
- Euphaedra preussiana
- Euphaedra ravola
- Euphaedra rezia
- Euphaedra sarita (incertae sedis)
- Euphaedra proserpina
- Euphaedra nigrocilia
- Euphaedra ignota
- Euphaedra tenebrosa
- Euphaedra wojtusiaki
- Euphaedra velutina
- Euphaedra densamacula
- Euphaedra compacta
- Euphaedra francina
- Euphaedra ceres subgroup
- Euphaedra preussi group
- Euphaedra preussi
- Euphaedra vicina
- Euphaedra eleus group
- Euphaedra castanoides
- Euphaedra edwardsii
- Euphaedra eleus
- Euphaedra ferruginea
- Euphaedra mambili
- Euphaedra semipreussiana
- Euphaedra simplex
- Euphaedra zampa
- Euphaedra perseis
- Euphaedra ruspina
- Euphaedra harpalyce group
- Euphaedra eupalus
- Euphaedra harpalyce
- Euphaedra losinga
- Euphaedra themis group
- Euphaedra adolfifrederici
- Euphaedra alacris
- Euphaedra albofasciata
- Euphaedra alboides
- Euphaedra amieti
- Euphaedra apparata
- Euphaedra asteria
- Euphaedra aurivillii
- Euphaedra barnsi
- Euphaedra bergeri
- Euphaedra bombeana
- Euphaedra bouyeri
- Euphaedra brevis
- Euphaedra caerulescens
- Euphaedra campaspe
- Euphaedra canui
- Euphaedra castanea
- Euphaedra centralis
- Euphaedra christyi
- Euphaedra clio
- Euphaedra confina
- Euphaedra congo
- Euphaedra cooksoni
- Euphaedra coprates
- Euphaedra crawshayi
- Euphaedra cuprea
- Euphaedra dargei
- Euphaedra disjuncta
- Euphaedra ducarmei
- Euphaedra eberti
- Euphaedra fascinata
- Euphaedra fontainei
- Euphaedra fulvofasciata
- Euphaedra grandis
- Euphaedra graueri
- Euphaedra grilloti
- Euphaedra herberti
- Euphaedra hybrida
- Euphaedra illustris
- Euphaedra intermedia
- Euphaedra jacksoni
- Euphaedra jolyana
- Euphaedra karschi
- Euphaedra landbecki
- Euphaedra lata
- Euphaedra leloupi
- Euphaedra lupercoides
- Euphaedra margueriteae
- Euphaedra maxima
- Euphaedra mayumbensis
- Euphaedra mendax
- Euphaedra mirabilis
- Euphaedra miranda
- Euphaedra morini
- Euphaedra murphyi
- Euphaedra neophron
- Euphaedra neumannii
- Euphaedra nigrobasalis
- Euphaedra niveovittata
- Euphaedra ochracea
- Euphaedra ochrovirens
- Euphaedra olivacea
- Euphaedra orientalis
- Euphaedra overlaeti
- Euphaedra paradoxa
- Euphaedra phosphor
- Euphaedra plagiara
- Euphaedra procera
- Euphaedra protea
- Euphaedra rattrayi
- Euphaedra regularis
- Euphaedra rex
- Euphaedra rubrocostata
- Euphaedra sardetta
- Euphaedra sinuosa
- Euphaedra stellata
- Euphaedra subferruginea
- Euphaedra subprocera
- Euphaedra subprotea
- Euphaedra subrezia
- Euphaedra subviridis
- Euphaedra symphona
- Euphaedra thalie
- Euphaedra ubangi
- Euphaedra ueleana
- Euphaedra uganda
- Euphaedra uniformis
- Euphaedra variabilis
- Euphaedra wissmanni
- Euphaedra xerophila
A diverse genus of showy African forest butterflies. Nearly half of the 190 or so species have been described recently by J. Hecq. Association of names with subgenera and species groups here follows Larsen (2005) for the west African taxa, the remainder are incertae sedis pending a phylogenetic analysis.
Discussion of Phylogenetic Relationships
The placement of species into subgenera is based on Larsen (2005).References
Ackery PR, Smith CR, and Vane-Wright RI eds. 1995. Carcasson's African butterflies. Canberra: CSIRO.
Larsen, T. B. 2005 Butterflies of West Africa. Stenstrup, Denmark: Apollo Books.
Title Illustrations

Scientific Name | Euphaedra rezia |
Location | Gabon |
Specimen Condition | Live Specimen |
Sex | Male |
Source | Euphaedra rezia |
Source Collection | Flickr |
Image Use |
![]() |
Copyright | © 2006 Axel Rouvin |
Scientific Name | Euphaedra cyparissa |
Location | Nigeria: Port Harcourt |
Specimen Condition | Live Specimen |
Identified By | Dirk Motshagen |
Sex | Male |
Life Cycle Stage | adult |
View | ventral |
Copyright | © 2009 Dirk Motshagen |
About This Page
Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA
Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Andrew V. Z. Brower at
Page copyright © 2006
Page: Tree of Life
Authored by
. Andrew V. Z. Brower.
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- First online 06 November 2006
- Content changed 13 March 2008
Citing this page:
Brower, Andrew V. Z. 2008. Euphaedra in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. Version 13 March 2008 (under construction).