Engaeus nulloporius
Keith A. CrandallTypes
Holotype, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart G3219 (male); allotype, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart G3220 (female); paratypes, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart G3221 (male), Museum of Victoria, Melbourne J14723 (male), J14724 (female).Type Locality
In partly cleared tea-tree swamp, 1.5 km south of 3-way corner (Frankford, Glengarry, Birralee) of road, north Tasmania.Distribution
E. nulloporius can be found in the central northern region of Tasmania. Collections in the Queen Victoria Museum come from the suburbs of Launceston, including St. Leonards on the eastern side of the Tamar River, and these specimens represent the eastern most extension of its known range. It appears to be most abundant in the Meander River region between Deloraine and Launceston.Habitat
The species can be found in burrows in the banks of creeks and in swamps where the vegetation is characteristically dry sclerophyll in nature, frequently with an abundance of tea tree (Melaleuca spp. and Leptospermum spp.). The soils typically have a heavy clay component, particularly in the region of the Meander River where the clays are yellow. The openings of burrows can be below the water level, particularly when the water-table is high; as such this species occupies both type 1b and 2 burrow habitats.References
Baillie, Jonathan, and Brian Groombridge. 1996. IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals.
Horwitz, Pierre. 1990. A Taxonomic Revision of Species in the Freshwater Crayfish Genus Engaeus Erichson (Decapoda: Parastacidae). Invertebr. Taxon., 1990, 4, 427-614.
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Page constructed by Emily Browne.
Keith A. Crandall
Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA
Page copyright © 2001 Keith A. Crandall
Page: Tree of Life
Engaeus nulloporius.
Authored by
Keith A. Crandall.
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Crandall, Keith A. 2001. Engaeus nulloporius. Version 01 January 2001 (under construction). http://tolweb.org/Engaeus_nulloporius/7840/2001.01.01 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/