- Asiadodis
- Choeradodis
- Prochoeradodis enigmaticus
(Paleocene, Menat, France) (incertae sedis)
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Ehrmann, R. 2002. Mantodea: Gottesanbeterinnen der Welt. Natur und Tier, Münster.
Mukherjee, T. K., A. K. Hazra, and A. K. Ghosh. 1995. The mantid fauna of India (Insecta: Mantodea). Oriental-Insects 29:185-358.
Nel, A. and R. Roy. 1996. Revision of the fossil "mantids" and "ephemerid" species described by Piton from the Palaeocene of Menat (France) (Mantodea: Chaeteessidae, Mantidae; Ensifera: Tettigonioidea). European Journal of Entomology 93:223-234.
Roy, R. 2004. Revision and phylogeny of the Choeradodini Kirby, 1903 (Dictyoptera, Mantidae). Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France 109(2):113-128.
Terra, P. S. 1995. Systematics of the Neotropical genera of praying mantis (Mantodea). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 39(1):13-94.
Wood-Mason, J. 1880. Synopsis of the species of Choeradodis, a remarkable genus of Mantodea common to Indian and Tropical America. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 47(1):82-84.
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