Bembidion (Euperyphus)
- Bembidion alikhelicum Kirschenhofer 1989
- Bembidion combustum Ménétriés 1832
- Bembidion combustum combustum Ménétriés 1832
- Bembidion combustum lugubriveste Netolitzky 1943
- Bembidion eques Sturm 1825
- Bembidion fluviatile Dejean 1831
- Bembidion fluviatile fluviatile Dejean 1831
- Bembidion fluviatile acragas DeMonte 1956
- Bembidion fluviatile amplum Sahlberg, J. 1908
- Bembidion fluviatile basale (Motschulsky 1844)
- Bembidion fluviatile exhibitum Netolitzky 1911
- Bembidion fluviatile pyrrium DeMonte 1956
- Bembidion fluviatile richteri Fassati 1961
- Bembidion fluviatile unctulum Antoine 1941
- Bembidion fulvipes Sturm 1827
- Bembidion giganteum Sahlberg, J. 1900
- Bembidion giganteum giganteum Sahlberg, J. 1900
- Bembidion giganteum reinigi Netolitzky 1934
- Bembidion nobile Rottenberg 1870
- Bembidion parallelipenne Chaudoir 1850
- Bembidion parallelipenne parallelipenne Chaudoir 1850
- Bembidion parallelipenne exisonum Lutshnik 1938
- Bembidion parallelipenne pseudoripicola Iablokoff-Khnzorian 1963
- Bembidion regale Andrewes 1922
- Bembidion ripicola Dufour, L. 1820
- Bembidion scapulare Dejean 1831
- Bembidion scapulare scapulare Dejean 1831
- Bembidion scapulare lomnickii Netolitzky 1916
- Bembidion scapulare oblongum Dejean 1831
- Bembidion scapulare tergluense Netolitzky 1918
- Bembidion testaceum (Duftschmid 1812)
- Bembidion testaceum testaceum Duftschmid 1812
- Bembidion testaceum brevius Netolitzky 1918
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Bembidion (Euperyphus)
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- First online 09 December 2008
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Tree of Life Web Project. 2008. Bembidion (Euperyphus) in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. Version 09 December 2008 (temporary).